
Class 6 Highllights:
* momentum, definition and units,
* acceleration in velocity, definition and units.
* Newton's three laws of motion.
* Handed out HW4 & discussed SA1.
* Viewed the scientific biography video about Einstein and his special theory of reletivity.

Discussion 3 Highlights:
* Over view the important points of TB2, Chpt3:
    ** Matter warps spacetime, and spacetime determine the motion of  matter.
    ** Equivalence Principle: The effect of masses under the influence of gravity and the effect of masses being accelerated are equivalent (i.e., can not be distinguished.
* Discussed the material for HW4, SA4.3:
    ** Angular velocity, definition and units, and examples.(We need this concept. But, TB1 does not discuss angular velocity. Yet, it discussed the spinning of an ice skater.)
     ** Angular momentum
       * Work and example of HW4, SA4.3.
* Discussed a bit about the coming Quiz 1.

Class 6, Preview
We will discuss the following reading material. Please have a first full reading before the class.   
p.129-151, Chpt 5 of  TB1: The Universal Laws of Motion ;
p.53-p.84, Chpt 3 of TB2: Of Warps and Ripples.

Dicussion 3, Preview
* Discussing TB2 material listed above.
* More discussions on HW4.
* Review for Quiz 1.