Class 3, 1/13/03 Highlights
* The universe has been expanding since its birth 1.4x10^10 yr ago.
** Hubble's law
** Hublle's constant, and its value (related to the age
of the universe) and dimension
* Age of the universe, age of the Sun, and the age of the humans
** On scientific scale (i.e., log_10) in age
** On scientific scale (i.e., log_10) in time ago
* Highlighting c and ly on p. A-2, Useful Numbers, and we all should understand
and memorize the numbers.
* Reordering numbers given in Table 1.2 so that the numbers are in descending
* Advice: Mark numbers in Scientific notation to the second significant figure
at the book margin when reading.
* Discussions on HW2, SA2.1, SA2.2.
* Thanks to the excellent special effort by Mr. Greer, the TA, Graded
HW1 (handed in just a couple days ago) was given back to students, and copies
of solution were distributed
** Students are advised to follow the example of presenting
HW as given in the solution:
*** Write neatly the solutions in the
front HW page.
*** Organize and write the key equations
on the back page, for future referencing and getting credit if the results
are wrong simply due to an arithmetic error.
*** Document references for every problem,
for future reviewing.
* Statistics of HW1 score were shown. Chau hopes that the low end will disappear
in future HW scores
* New Policy: Every student can have one HW score not counted. (Those
who missed HW1, or did poorly, have already used up this opportunity. So
please do good work from now on.)
Bonus point project: Find good web sites that give the history and
a simple description about the scientific scale (or Log), useful for the
class. One bonus point for the student whose finds the site suitable for
the class link. Half bonus point for students who find other useful sites.
Please send to Chau only those you have read and found useful. The
deadline for acceptance is midnight, Saturday, 1/15/05.
* We finished discussing material of the following reading assignments and
Related reading assignment (Please finish reading them
before class 3.):
· TB1: Chpt
1, p.2-25 , "Our Place in the Universe"
· TB2: Starting page to p.xv and p.3-p.20,
Prefaces and Chpt 1, "Tie Up with String".