Class 18 & Discussion 9, 3/8/05
Class Highlights
* Weighing stars and galaxies, using Kepler's 3rd law
via Newton
*** See the formula
given on p. A-3, and correct the typo;
** Give the example of how to get the
mass of the Sun, knowing its period and semimajor about the Sun.
** The v - r plot and evidences of dark
*** Fig.19.19a,b,c
*** We derived v ~
1/(square-root of r); See the last formula given on p.A-3 and another way
of writing it.
* Fate of planetary motions, surmised in the conservation
of energy and angular momentum conservation
* Reviewed goals of the course. Your HW8 scores give evidence
that we have achieved the goals.
* Viewed the last excerpt of PBS's "Einstein Reveal",
describing the last part of Einstein's life. It ended with the moving statement
by Einstein about what science research is about.
Discussion Highlights
* Discussed class material and HW10 solutions;
* Reviewed for Quiz 3.
Class 18, 3/8/05, preview
We will discuss the following material, and approach the conclusion of the
Week-10 (3/6 -3/12 )
Part of Chapter 22 of TB1, "Dark Matter and the Fate of the Universe
," with emphasis on the following:
· ·
Figs. 22.9; 22.10; 22.12; 22.17; 22.18 & their explanations.
Part of Chapter 23 of TB1, "The Beginning of Time," with emphasis
on the following.
· Figs. 23.2; 23.4; 23.7; 23.8; 23.16; & their explanations.
Week-10 (3/6 -3/12 ), P.373-387,
Chapter 15 of TB2, "Prospect."