Class 1, 1/6/03

Highlights of Class 1

* The MKS system  (meter, kilogram, second)
* Powers of 10 (also called scientific notation)
* Speed vs velocity
* Speed of light in scientific notation to two significant figures
* Of special interest is that meter is now defined in such a way that  the speed of light (a fundamental physical phenomenon) is a specific integer number (given in class) in m/s
* Two significant figures (rounding off rules)
* The ubiquitous pi:
        ** lenghth of the circumsference of a circle
        ** area of a disc
        ** area of the surface of a sphere
* Density
* Guidance to  HW1, which asks student to apply the above info.

Related reading material: A-4 to A-12 of  Cosmic Perspective, 3rd ed.

** Bonus-point project: Locate the scientific research article which reported that bees use vector analysis to find home.


We lost time due to computer connection glitches. So we did not get to show the following. We will find time to show it in the future

* We will give an overview of the subject of the course by viewing the multimedia movie made by Chau's Davis Honor's Challenge Seminar class of 2001.