Physics 10-B, Winter 2005      Teacher: Professor Ling-Lie Chau
Announcement & Reminder  2/17/05
* It has become clear that there is a strong correlation between perfomance in the course and setting up calculations clearly and logically. I am sure that such practice is important and helpful for all scientific learning, as well as for daily chores.
    ** Therefore, I am installing the policy that for all computation related exercises in HWs & in Exams, you need to show your work, clearly and logically (on the back page or an attached paper with name marked), in order to get the perfect score. No show of work will get you at most 50% of the total points.
    ** This policy starts with HW7.
* My office hour is 3:10-4pm, Mondays. You are welcome to come. No appointment is needed.