Guidelines for study and for exam preparation   

The guidelines listed here are to be read in conjunction with those in the Syllabus.

Goals of Exams
* To consolidate the important knowledge taught in the course;
* To promote the learning of the course material through a reward system.

General Study Guidelines
* Students need to spend 12 to 15 hours (including the time attending Classes & Discussions) according to the Carnegie-unit rule for a 4-unit course (see the Syllabus), and also according to the guideline given by TB1, p.xxvi.
*  Read the Reading Assignments before each class.
*  Check the  Class and Discussion web pages (which gives preview of the coming class) on the Course Web, before each class
* Take lecture notes.
* After each class, review and organize your lecture own lecture notes.
* Then, compare your notes with the Class and Dicussion page (which gives highlights for each Class and Discussion) and  the 10C list pages in the Course Web. The Class web pages give a chronological documentation of the material taught. The 10C list pages give a logical summary of the important contents of the course.
* Do the HWs, and make sure to understand all the problems and answers before handing them in.
* If there is anything unclear to you, ask Professor Chau right away during the class, or right after the class before the blackboard is erased, or send her an e-mail anytime.
* Only those course materials in writing (during the lectures, in the class highlights, HWs, TB1 and TB2) will be in the exams. Materials in TB1 and TB2, but not written down in the lectures and not in HWs, will be less than 20% of the contents of exams. (Hopefully, with this clarification, students will enjoy more during the lecture, and will not feel pressured by those web links on Chau's course web. However, as in all learning, such culture, "peripheral view," is important for enhancing true learning and making learning enjoyable.)

Exam Study Guidelines
* A pyramid approach:
    ** Top: HWs & 10C lists;
    ** Second to the top: lecture notes & class web pages;
    ** Third to the top: TB1 [The important Math Insights in TB1 are those covered in lectures and HW's. Dr. Chau always try to simplify them and make them more precise and up-to-date.]
    ** The bottom: TB2 & class demos, movies, and web culture links.
* With the understanding of the Top, you should get most of the exams. So, the items in the Top are your first priority, especially if you are short of time. However, we all know that we can not cramp knowledge. The brain needs time and varied stimulus to soak in knowledge and, more importantly, to apply knowledge. That is why students should read assignments first, then participate in class, start homework early, ask questions by sending Chau e-mails, attend discussion sessions, work out and finally finish HWs in a neat fashion.)

During the Exam Guidelines
* Read the exam carefully. If you need clarification, go to the front to ask Professor Chau. (Needless to say, no answers to exam problems will be given.)
* The problems in exam are always such that no calculators are need. (Tables will be provided if necessary.) Therefore, the feeling that you need a calculator may well be a signal that you are on a not-so-good track.

Quiz 1, 2/2/05, 4:40-5:30pm
* Lectures and Discussions which covered the following materials.
    Week-1 (1/6 - 1/9),   * p.A-4 to A-12; Appendix of TB1: Powers of 10, Significant Figures, and Units;
    Week-2 (1/9-1/15),   * p.2-25, Chpt 1 of  TB1 : Our Place in the Universe;
    Week-3 (1/16-1/22), * p.56-85, Chpt 3 of  TB1: The Science of Astronomy; . 
                                      * p.114-128, Chpt 4 of  TB1 : A Universe of Matter and Energy.
    Week-2 (1/9-1/15),   * Starting page to p.xv and p.3-p.20 of Prefaces and Chpt 1 of TB2: Tied Up with Strings ;
    Week-3 (1/16-1/22), * p.23 -.52 , Chpt 2 of TB2: Space, Time, and the Eye of the Beholder;
* HW1, HW2, and HW3;
* 10C-0.

Quiz 2, 2/24/05, 4:40-5:30pm  
It is accumulative. The new material are the following.
* Lectures and Discussions which covered the following materials.
    Week-4 (1/23-1/29), * p.129-151, Chpt 5 of  TB1: The Universal Laws of Motion ;
    Week-5 (1/30-2/5 ),  * p.152-171, Chpt 6 of  TB1:  Light: The Cosmic Messenger;
    Week-6 (2/6 -2/12),  * p.432-452, S2 of  TB1:  Space and Time;
                                      *  p.453-476, S3 of  TB1: Spacetime and Gravity;
    Week-4 (1/23-2/29),  * p.53 - 84, Chpt 3 of TB2: " Of Warps and Ripples";
    Week-5 (1/30-2/5 ),   * p.85 - 131, Chpt 4 of TB2: "Microscopic Weirdness";
    Week-6 (2/6 -2/12),   * No reading assignment of TB2;
* HW4, HW5, and HW6;
* 10Cs: C0, C1, C2-3, C4-5.

Quiz 3, 3/15/05, 5:00-5:50pm
It is comprehensive. The new materials are the following.
* Lectures and Discussions which covered the following materials.
        Week-7 (2/13-2/19)  * Building Blocks of the Universe; Read p.476-493, S4 of  TB1.
        Week-8 (2/20-2/26)   * Part of Chapter 15 of TB1,  Our Star,  p.496-508 (15.1 to 15.3) & summary pages.
                        * Fig. 7.20 on p.186 and its explanations; Fig. 11.8 on p. 304 and its explanations;
                            Fig 15.23a,b on p.516 and their explanations.                              
                        * Chpt 16,  p.521-542, of TB1, "Properties of Stars".             
        Week-9 (2/27-3/5 )  *Part of Chapt 18, p. 574 -588, of TB1, The Bizarre Stellar Graveyard ;
                                  *Part of Chapt 20, p. 632 -648, of TB1, Measuring the Cosmic Distance and Age.
                                   * Fig. 17.26 & its explanations.

        Week-7 (2/13-2/19),  
                p.117-165,  Chpt 5 "The Need for a New Theory: General Relativity vs. Quantum Mechanics ,"
                p.135-p.165, Chpt 6  "Nothing but Musics: The Essentials of Superstring Theory."
        Week-8 (2/20-2/26),    p.166-p.183, Chpt 7 of TB2, "The 'Super' in the Superstring";
        Week-9 (2/27-3/5 ),      p.183-p.211, Chpt 8 of TB2, " More Dimension Than Meet the Eye";
* HW7, HW8, HW9;
* 10Cs: C6-7-8, C9-10.

Final Exam, 3/19/05, 10:30-12:30am

It is comprehensive. The new materials are the following.
* Lectures and Discussions which covered the following materials.
        Week-10 (3/6 -3/12 )
           · Part of Chapter 22 of TB1, "Dark Matter and the Fate of the Universe ,"  with emphasis on the following:
                · · Figs. 22.9; 22.10; 22.12; 22.17; 22.18 & their explanations.
            · Part of Chapter 23 of TB1, "The Beginning of Time," with emphasis on the following.
                · · Figs. 23.2; 23.4; 23.7; 23.8; 23.16; & their explanations.
        Week-10 (3/6 -3/12 ),   P.373-387, Chapter 15 of TB2, "Prospect."
* HW10.