
     [See lectures, class web pages, HWs & solutions, and Chapter 6 of TB1]
    c, the speed of light,
    * Speed of light, c, is a constant in the Maxwell equations for electromagnetism.
    * Also the Maxwell equations work the same way for all observers moving with any constant velocity (not accelerated).
    * The above two facts are the theoretical source for the two basic principles of Einstein's special relativity. These two facts were known to Lorenz and Poincare (world renowned physicist and mathematician) before Einstein, however, Einstein discovered the astonishing implications with  his ingenious physical intuition.

***** Below are some history for culture ("peripheral vision" for learning). *********
    * In 1675, Olaus Roemer first established the fact that speed of light is finite (not infinite) by observing the motions of the moons of Jupiter. See p.445 of TB1.
    * In late nineteen century, Maxwell showed that his equations have wave solutions, which involve both the electric field and the magnetic field.
    * In 1888 (one year after the Michelson-Morley experiment showing the independence of speed of light from the motion of an observer) Heinrich Hertz experimentally confirmed Maxwell's prediction of the existence of electromagnetic waves. What Hertz produced were radio waves. Also impressive was his discovery of the photoelectric effect in 1887, which Einstein explained in his Miracle Year, 1905 (using Planck's energy equation for a photon) and received the 1921 Nobel prize for. (Heinrich Hertz is not to be confused his nephew, Gustav Hertz, who received 1925 Nobel Prize for the understanding of the interactions of electrons with atoms.)
****** End of culture detour **************

     [See lectures, class web pages, HWs & solutions, and Chapter 6 of TB1.]
    h, or h-bar = h/(2pi), the Planck constant.
    * Planck energy equation for the photon: E = h nu = (h-bar) x (omega) as the energy of a photon of frequency (nu). or equivalently, angular velocity (omega) = (2 pi) x (nu).
    * Planck distribution of blackbody radiation,
        ** Stefan-Boltzmann Law: power  intensity (per area) of thermal radiation from blackbody is proportional to the 4th power of the temperature. For equation, see p.162 and the index of TB1..
        ** Wien's Law: the wavelength at the maximum of Planck's distribution is inversely proportional to the temperature. For equation, see p.162 and the index of TB1.
    * Doppler effect of light

            ** Astronomer's Z ,
            ** Using Doppler effect to observe speed of stars and galaxies,
    * Emission of a photon with specific wave length when an electron jumps from a higher energy level to a lower one, satisfying the energy conservation equation;
            ** The change of electric potential energy of an electron in an atom  is equal to the energy of the photon emitted (if the electron jumps from a higher energy level to a lower one) or absorbed (if the electron jumps from a lower energy level to a higher one.)